The Importance of Strategic Therapy for Lasting Healing

Healing is a journey, and it requires more than just addressing biochemical imbalances. Strategic therapy—which focuses on mental fitness and mind-body techniques like guided imagery, meditation, and Polyvagal Theory—plays a vital role in the recovery process. I’ve found that patients who commit to regular sessions, incorporating this deeper work, see far greater improvements than those who do not.

The Power of Consistency

Healing the mind is as essential as healing the body. Those who engage in consistent strategic therapy are better equipped to access the mind-body connection, reduce stress, and reset their nervous system, all of which are key to long-term well-being. In fact, this strategic work should account for at least half of the treatment plan, and when patients embrace it, they typically see quicker and more sustainable results.

My Integrative Approach

1.Treating the Whole You
Healing is not just about fixing one issue; it’s about bringing your entire system—mind, body, and spirit—into balance. I use lab-based functional medicine to pinpoint exactly where things are going wrong in your biochemistry, which allows us to treat the root causes, not just the symptoms.

2.Mental Fitness for Healing
Alongside nutritional therapies, I incorporate mental fitness techniques like guided imagery, meditation, and breathwork to access the powerful mind-body connection. Healing the mind also helps heal the body, and through techniques like Polyvagal Theory, we can reset your nervous system, reducing stress and increasing your sense of safety and connection. Regular commitment to this work makes all the difference in your progress.
Introduction to Amino Acid Therapy 
with Focus on Depression and CFS.
Amino Acid Therapy Playlist: Upper Right in YouTube Window
Are you tired of feeling unwell, drained of energy, or told that “it’s all in your head?” I’m Dr. David Gersten, and I specialize in integrative psychiatry and nutritional medicine to help you uncover the true causes of your symptoms, restore balance, and guide you toward optimal health.

Why Choose An Integrative Approach?

Most healthcare systems only treat symptoms, leaving the deeper issues unresolved. My approach digs deeper, addressing both the mental and physical aspects of your health through natural remedies, including amino acid therapy, nutritional support, and powerful mind-body techniques. We’ll work together to uncover the underlying causes of your illness, empowering you to heal from the inside out.
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​4.The Healing Triad
To achieve real healing, we must address three critical areas: the mind, the body, and the mind-body connection. At the core of this process is your soul or purpose. We work together to quiet the mind, restore biochemical balance, and unlock your body’s natural ability to heal.
Your Health Journey

Are You Feeling Invisible?
Chronic illness can feel isolating, especially when others can’t see what you’re going through. Whether it’s chronic fatigue, anxiety, or digestive issues, you might look fine to the outside world while struggling internally. I understand how it feels to live with invisible illness. That’s why I’m here to truly see you—to help you feel understood, validated, and on a path to recovery.

Comprehensive Testing: The Key to Real Answers
If you’ve been told by other doctors that nothing’s wrong, it’s time to think outside the box. The lab work I conduct uncovers hidden biochemical imbalances that standard tests often miss. We can finally understand the root causes of your symptoms and develop a treatment plan that’s uniquely tailored to you.
Amino Acid Therapy: A Breakthrough in Mental and Physical Health

Amino acids are the building blocks of nearly every part of your body, including neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which regulate mood and energy. Balancing your amino acid chemistry is key to addressing the physical and mental aspects of your health. My expertise in amino acid therapy is backed by decades of research and clinical experience.

Mental Fitness and Mind-Body Connection
Healing involves more than just physical treatments. Through mental fitness techniques like meditation, breathwork, and guided imagery, we can help your mind and body work together to promote deep, lasting healing. Patients who incorporate these practices into their routine see faster, more sustainable results. Consistency is key to unlocking your full healing potential

A Unique Approach to Your Healing Journey

I’ve walked the path of chronic illness myself, battling severe chronic fatigue syndrome long before it was widely recognized. Amino acid therapy played a crucial role in my own recovery, and I’ve spent decades refining my approach. I don’t just treat the illness; I get to know the person behind the symptoms, and together, we create a plan for total healing. Let’s uncover the real causes of your health challenges and start your healing journey.